#Strapdown - Easy Markup for Bootstrap Strapdown.js makes it **embarrassingly simple** to create elegant Markdown documents. No server-side compilation required. Use it to quickly document your projects, create tutorials, home pages, etc. (this page you are reading was generated by Strapdown). --- What is Markdown? >[Answer](http://whatismarkdown.com/) What is Strapdown? >[Answer](http://strapdownjs.com/) **Why** use Markdown? >[Answer](http://brettterpstra.com//2011/08/31/why-markdown-a-two-minute-explanation/) --- #Sample Markdown >Markdown is just so dang legible, it will make your *whole life* easier. **I promise.** # Chapter 1 - this is imporant to know - so is this - goodbye world ## Sub section You can put something here. --- # Chapter 2 ![Debbie's image](http://i.imgur.com/B5EjISM.jpg) Heading Alternative ======= Sub-heading Alternative ----------- ###Sample code ``` <html> <head>Test</head> <body>Body here</body> </html> ``` Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Let 2 spaces at the end of a line to do a line break Text attributes *italic*, **bold**, `monospace`. A [link to cnn.com](http://cnn.com). Shopping list: * apples * oranges * pears Numbered list: 1. apples 2. oranges 3. pears

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